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Monday November 14, 2022

    8:00 AM



    8:30 AM


The classes will be a mixture of Vinyasa Flow and Yin/Restorative style.

Monday at 8am
Tuesday at 6pm
Friday at 9:30am

Classes will be held in the downstairs Blue Ridge Room
We ask that members bring a Yoga mat to each class

Registration is not required and classes are FREE to all membership levels Social+

Meet the Instructor

Hi, I’m Danbee (pronounced Dawn-bee), I’m a Yoga Teacher focusing on providing inclusive and accessible yoga to everybody.

A little about me, I’m 27 years old, an introvert and a homebody. I enjoy spending time with my husband Alex, our 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 6 chickens. In my free time I enjoy traveling, reading, and riding my motorcycle on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

I became passionate about yoga because of the mind-body connection it offers, as well as the space it gives me to be in awe of myself and all that my body does for me. Yoga has brought great physical and mental healing and offered a deeper level of connection to others.

I believe that yoga is truly for everyone regardless of body type, ability, race, gender, or financial status. I hope to share the life-changing benefits of yoga with anyone who desires it, while also honoring, not appropriating, this sacred and ancient wisdom.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat soon!